Slut med att hämta vatten...

6 mars, 2017

Då har de (Gracious school) både fått rinnande vatten framdraget till skolan och en Simtank på 5000l uppsatt. Simtank är en vattentank som de fyller med vatten som de sedan använder sig av när vattentillförseln inte fungerar som det är tänkt.

Några ord från skolan...

Tumaini's comment!

As you know water is everything. Was so hard for me to see them working in this hard situation. Caring water was a main work!!! Everyday the question was when are we going to have water??? Thank you Rotary for helping me bring water to Gracious school! Thank you for Simtank, since we got it we have forgotten the problem of water! No more question to me! Thanks so so much!

The cook comment!

Since we have got water and Simtank the work has been ease, we cook and serve on time, compare to the time we had to catch water from far away!!! I like my work now, I don't ever think of leaving the job any more!! We have now forgotten the problem of water! Thank you so much for your support.

The cleaners comment!

I'm glad to have water, was tough for us, especial my water to use in the toilet. We were tired just for water before we have started cleaning. Now the work is much easier!

Så här kunde det se ut innan de fick rinnande vatten...
Framdragning av vatten...
Inkoppling av vatten...
Simtank på plats!
5000l Simtank (vattenbehållare)
Rinnande vatten inkopplat...

